Monday, May 28, 2007

King Behemoth...

Been camping King Behemoth for about.. 2 hours now.. and I'm getting pretty damn bored.. only on his 4th window right now, still got about 3 more to go. So I wrote this while I'm sitting up here bored.

I'm up here fighting claim of this big bastard against about 100 other people.. (literally, half of them aren't even able to load in the SS) and
it's kind of pissing me off. Legacy is up here.. of course, they are at every single HNM Ground every time one pops. Which is good for them.. but sucks for everyone else. Here is a picture of what douche bags we are claiming against.

It kinda isn't that bad though, random Thunder Elementals keep popping up, and I keep killing them. In this picture here, one of the fellow LS mates, Aztecmage, decides to help me finish one off. I think this is a badass screenshot if you ask me.

We are still up here camping.. So I will post more shit as soon as Behemoth pops. If I get to stay until he pop's all the way, I'm supposed to go watch the new Pirates of the Caribbean in an hour and a half.. So we'll see what happens

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