Saturday, June 23, 2007

CoP Static

I finally got a new CoP Static. After my last LS broke up, our static did too. Leaving me at 4-2. I finished 4-2 with a bunch of random people who I don't even remember and now I was stuck at 4-3 for months.

I never really tried to finish 4-3 until last night, someone randomly asks me if I wanna go. So I end up going and we skip the hardest part of Sacarium, which is the keys. We go straight to the NM Professor fight. He was really really easy, just a little trouble when he warped.

Then immediatly after that fight, we went and got our cut scenes and moved on to 5-1. We got to the 5-1 NM and killed it literally in maybe 30 seconds or less. It was a joke. Then we proceeded to the always hated Promyvion-Vahzl. We ended up getting to the very top, killing all the NM's on the way, and one of our members can't enter BC because she forgot to check the memory flux after the NM. So, we ended up getting a SMN to come help us (Thanks Missty) and we went up and did a trial "dry run" on the main BCNM fight. Well, that run we got down to the last NM without using items, two hours, or anything, so we made it the real thing. We ended up beating the NM thanks to Faygo's last second Freeze! It was a really awesome fight.

Right now as I'm posting this, my static is doing 5-3, Tenzen Path, waiting on a member to get their final Cutscenes. We lost a member of our static, but gained another from our HNM Shell. They are aiming for Sea before the week is over, so we'll see what happens.

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