Thursday, June 25, 2009


Last night we finished Sarcarium. We finished it with a 5 man team. A little funny story about a Paladin named Runic happened last night. This guy Runic is a leader of a linkshell that runs missions. He has already finished CoP so you would think he would be a good guy and reliable. But no, he is by far one of the WORST skilled players with the smallest brain I have ever seen. While we are in Sarcarium we have Level 1 hate from the Fomor's. This means we absolutely cannot get aggro from them in any way possible, they are like NPC's to us. But, on the other hand, Runic didn't mind to tell us he had hate from them. So we had to sneak him around and keep him away from the Fomor's at all times. Well, lo and behold, he aggro'd every single thing he could possbiel find. We wiped like 3 times because of this guy aggro'ing shit. Thankfully I had RR up and we could get everyone back up and get back on with the mission.

So this is what happened in the end: We are about 100 feet away from our very last NM, the Professor. Runic starts aggro'ing formors and Skeleton's left and right. He ends up dying, so we have to raise him. He Raised up, LITERALLY, with a FOMOR standing on him. Of course he got wacked 1 time and died. So we had to raise him again. While he is weakened, he is resting up almost 5 feet from the Skeleton's spawn. When he becomes unweak, the skeletons aggro and kill him again. Leek tells this guy to stop nubbin' out and stop aggro'ing stuff. This guy says, "nub? FUCK YOU" and home points. He repeatedly sends us tells saying "U SUK" and other phrases which was un-readable with his poor english. He kept bashing on us through /tell and telling us this is why he came out here with a 10-12 man team to kill this NM. Well we went in their and moped his ass up with a 5 man team. We had 3 poison potions which kept us from sleeping, which didn't last long. Our setup was BLM RDM SAM SAM SAM. None of us had /nin subjobs, either. So we basically went in their and owned this thing with a 5 man team. So fuck Runic and his poor english teenage ass. lime ftw.

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