Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cooking fishing leveling everything, Oh My!

I got back from my trip to Houston yesterday, It was really fun. Right when I got back I started leveling my Blue Mage. Me and Lordvegeta started a party out in East Ronfaure [S] at level 37 and leveled for a few hours. I went from 44-48 and Lord went from 65-66 even. We got a lot of exp.

When I got done leveling, I decided why the hell not try to finish out Rank 5 so I can get Rank 6. So I got invited to some random group to do 5-1, so I went. Keep in mind, this fight is easy as hell, I was just with idiots. We go in the fight, and the SMN aggro's all of the mobs right from the beginning. Me and a SAM are the only DD trying to do damage to the main guy. All of the other mages are getting smacked around by the add-ons. We get the main guy down to about 25% and the whole pt wiped. The SMN left the party, so did the SAM. So, I asked some help from some friends. Laiya and Lordvegeta come out and we find a random BLU to help us out. We go in there and smoke it like it was nothing. It was a simple fight. I went on my 48BLU (since it was a 50cap fight) and I was doing really great damage with Bludgeon+Jet Stream. Next, we did 5-2 and destroyed Shadow Lord so I got Rank 6. Yay!

Today I ran around and got all my CS's up until ZM4 and even did my Dynamis CS's so I can enter dynamis. I am still astonished that I got Sea and finished CoP before I even got Rank6 in my nation... Awesomeness.

As for cooking and fishing, I have been focusing most of my time on these things. I have been fishing to fatigue every day now and been crafting when I get the time. I got my cooking to 82 earlier from a recipe I got from Dark Bass that I was skilling up on from 27-31. I caught just enough bass to get me close to the cap of Bass Menuire @ 83. As for fishing goes, I have been fishing to fatigue. Yesterday I started fishing up Blue Tail's and Cone Calamary for skill-ups. The Blue Tail's sell at a hefty 6k a stack, so I make good money from them. As for the Cone Calamary, they don't sell as often and they are down to 3k a stack at the moment. I was disappointed in this, but what can you do! Leek mentioned something about synthing the Calamary into Black Ink.. What a fucking good idea. I bought some Dark Crystals, some cheap tea leaves from Windy, and some Distilled Water. I crafted these Calamary I caught last night and capped the recipe out at level 4 Alchemy. I made 9 Stacks of Black Ink and it is currently selling for 6k a stack. So last night, I caught 8 stacks of Bluetail and enough stacks of Calamary to make 9 stacks of Black Ink. So overally, fishing last night I got 108k gil. On top of that, I went from 30 Fishing to 35 fishing in one night! It was amazing. I am currently saving up for Lu Shang's still and trying to skill these up as fast as possible! Until next time..

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