Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fish Ranking - 40 Fishing

I entered the first Fish Ranking competition and I ended up getting my very first Pelican Ring! I am very excited about this thing, It definitely is worth the time. The item that I had to fish up was a Bhelful Marlin. The fish caps at 60~ish so I would have a hard time pulling it up, so I found a random guy on the fishing boat. I couldn't understand him very well, but I got him to understand I needed the Smallest size Bluetail that he could catch for the fishing contest. He told me that he woulf give it to me as a {present} So I agreed =) After about 4 days I checked my Delivery Box and there it was, a size 64 Marlin. This was nice, so I turned it in to the fishing guild to push my luck!

After the contest was over, I ended up getting the Pelican ring and placing #11 out of the Top 20. What really freaked me out was the fact that these Marlin's are supposed to range in length from 61+.. The guy who won the contest caught a size 60 Marlin.. HOW RARE IS THAT! Crazy.. Anyways, here is the goods! Oh, and I just hit 40 fishing ^^

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