Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Zaldon and 55 Fishing! Oh yeah!

I know, this blog has basically turned into my fishing blog. But here recently a lot of things have been going on in my fishing adventures. I'm having a ton of fun fishing, a lot more fun than I would normally playing doing EXP, Missions, etc. But, recently I have been skilling up on Bhefhel Marlin and Silver Shark. I saved a ton of extra Bluetail that I had fished up for skills to synth into Piece of Bluetail. This bait gets Marlin and Sharks to bite often and I'm getting good skill-ups from them. So I've been riding the ferry. I also heard of a NPC named Zaldon who you can trade Marlin to for a chance at Pirate Chart or Brigand Chart for a chance at Albatross and Penguin Rings. These rings come in handy for the items needed for Ebisu Rod.

I've been trading all of my Marlin to Zaldon and I finally got a Pirate Chart and Brigand Chart. The "drop rate" on these charts are around 3%. So I got lucky, I got my Pirate Chart on about 1/10 of my Marlin and my Brigand chart on about 1/32 Marlin. I saved my Pirate chart, but I found a guy on the ferry who knew a lot about fighting for the other one. I got my drop and tried to go and do the Brigand Quest. I got there and fished up the first 4 chests and didn't get drop. During my 5th chest the quest ended before I could get the fish all the way down to 0%. It was a good run, but I could have done better. It was my first try, but at least I got my feet wet.

Since I've been skilling up on Silver Shark I've also been trading them in to Zaldon for a chance at a Trident. This is a lvl 45~ Polearm that sells for 30k. I ended up getting 4 of them from about 3 stacks of Silver Shark. I put all of these on my mule and ended up gettign 120k, not bad!

I also got Fishing up to 55. I am trying to get it up to 60 very soon. Speaking of which, today's Guild Point item for the Cooking guild was an item that required Black Sole. So, I decided to give it a shot and go fish up my own Black Sole. I only needed 4 of them, so why the hell not.. I went out to Qufim Island and casted. I ended up getting my 4 Black Sole, without ANY problems at all, with only 55 Fishing. I even got a 0.2 Skillup from them. I believe I will be using my Guild Points immediately as soon as I hit lvl 60 fishing to start Cooking my own Sushi.

I've been making very good money from fishing lately. I am definitely planning on taking it to lvl 100 and getting Ebisu Rod. I will get my Ebisu Rod, mark my words, and I will get all of the guild point items from Fishing Guild. I am very excited about Fishing now, it is so fun.

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