Thursday, June 28, 2007


So, since the last update of us beating Airship Fight, I got sea, and beat CoP, and got damn ring!

Finnally so happy, I am done with CoP. It was long and annoying, but the story was awesome.

So after the airship fight, we ended up doing 7-4 and 7-5 Tenzen Fight. Both of these missions were ridiculously easy. We basically took Tenzen down really quick.

After Tenzen fight Faygo kind of left us. Which was okay with everyone, he had already done way to much for us. But the whole group decided to do 8-1 and 8-2 too. So we got both of those done and ended up waiting until the next day finished up 8-3 and 8-4. CoP for me was really fun. It took me about 6 months or so to beat it, but I ended up doing it. I got stuck after my static broke up on 4-3. It left me stuck on nit for almost 4 months.

We finish from 4-3 to Finishing Cop in 4 days. It went by really quick. But it was really fun. So at the end of it all. I chose Tama's Ring =)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

CoP 6-4 Airshiip Fight!

The dreaded Airship fight! Here it is, the hated 6-4 mission. I personally thought it was an awesomely fun, but annoying mission.

The first leg of the mission you fight Mammets. These things are bitches and there are 5 of them. They have the ability to change jobs, and when they change to BLM, which happens pretty often, they do multiple AoE attacks which will wipe your party. So we ended up doing a couple dry runs, get some yellow liquid drops to keep them from changing jobs, then we did the real thing.

The strategy we came up with was pretty simple. We had BLM RDM NIN NIN PLD BLU. The NIN ran up and aggro'd them all. The PLD voked one, the NIN voked one, and the BLU voked one. The kiting NIN did his job and kept Utsusemi up while the NIN PLD and BLU solo'd their own Mammet. I ran around Silencing the mobs, which really helps, while the RDM main healed and kept a look out for peoples MP. After that I helped people nuke their Mammet down so the Kiting NIN could solo his own Mammet. We got down to one mammet and ended up beating this stage and buffing at the beginning in less than 10 minutes.

This fight was pretty straight forward. Just a little strategy required of party member placement, but otherwise its pretty straight forward. We ended up using 2 or our CCB Polymer Pumps on this guy, which helped alot. The pumps are definetly worth the 35k that they cost.

The last and final big boss. He is a pretty straight forward guy too, he just has a lot of HP. We got him down to 15% using all 3 of our remaining CCB Polymer Pumps, and I did Elemental Seal + Flare on him getting him down to 1%, lol. I ended up getting hate of course, and almost died lol, but Gance kept me alive and then he got hate, so I healed him, and back and forth till the DD wacked away at him lol. It kinda pissed me off, but we still won in the long run.

All in all, the Airship fight was really fun, I definetly wouldn't mind helping other people out with it from now on. It was the only fun thing I've done on CoP so far lol. We did end up setting the record for this fight too, which was pretty cool. We took down the last two mobs in an average of 14 minutes.

During one of the first dry runs, we got all the way to Omega and wiped at 3%. Which really pissed me off. Then out of nowhere Faygo remembers something. He says "Meek RR" so I did my Re-raise and poped up. He wanted me to flare it and kill it. So I did Manafont + Elemental Seal + Flare. This was the ending result.

Cop 5-3

So this mission is long gay. All these paths and things to do in between really pissed me off. But you gotta do what you gotta do.

Tenzen Path
This path was the longest probably and most annoying. You have to fight in 50cap through the Pso'Xja tower just to get a CS while fighting these Gargoyle things, thing is really annoying. Ended up getting the CS then having to travel to another 60cap Pso'Xja tower and getting another CS. This one wasn't as bad, I could solo it myself and I ended up taking 2-3 other members through the tower.

Ulmia Path
This path was probably the most fun. We had the 3 mithra fights and the Snoll fight. The mithra fight was kinda fun, it was in a cool arena. I didn't have time to take a screenshot really, I kinda forgot about it, but we did two dry runs to get the hang of everything, then just went in and owned them pretty much.

Next up was the Snoll fight. This was an awesomely fun fight. I loved everything about it, it was really entertaining. The arena was awesome too. We had a setup of RDM BLM BLM MNK DRK PLD. The paladin ran in, Provoked and used Invincible. Right when the Paladin used his 2hour. me and the other BLM did Manafont + Elemental Seal + Flare on it. Since it is weak to fire, Flare owned it. The two flares took maybe 40-50% from it. Taking it down dramatically. During the Flare's, the MNK did Hundred Fists, and all of his nice little job abilities, he did some good damage. And at the same time, the DRK used his 2hr and Souleater, this was a really good damage dealer. So all in all, The paladin ran in, BLM 2hr elemental seal flare, MNK Hundred Fists, DRK 2hr+Souleater. This ended up killing Snoll in about 30 seconds. But counting the time we had to run in and buff, fight took about 4 minutes. But we still got record.

Louverance Path
This path really pissed me off. We had trouble with the Bugbear fight, but we ended up taking it after about 3 tries. We didn't have the right setup really. But here is a SS of the fight.

This ended the long ass journey of mission 5-3. It took a while, actually only like 2 real life days, but it took a lot of hours lol. Anyways, on to the oh so loved Airship Fight!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

CoP Static

I finally got a new CoP Static. After my last LS broke up, our static did too. Leaving me at 4-2. I finished 4-2 with a bunch of random people who I don't even remember and now I was stuck at 4-3 for months.

I never really tried to finish 4-3 until last night, someone randomly asks me if I wanna go. So I end up going and we skip the hardest part of Sacarium, which is the keys. We go straight to the NM Professor fight. He was really really easy, just a little trouble when he warped.

Then immediatly after that fight, we went and got our cut scenes and moved on to 5-1. We got to the 5-1 NM and killed it literally in maybe 30 seconds or less. It was a joke. Then we proceeded to the always hated Promyvion-Vahzl. We ended up getting to the very top, killing all the NM's on the way, and one of our members can't enter BC because she forgot to check the memory flux after the NM. So, we ended up getting a SMN to come help us (Thanks Missty) and we went up and did a trial "dry run" on the main BCNM fight. Well, that run we got down to the last NM without using items, two hours, or anything, so we made it the real thing. We ended up beating the NM thanks to Faygo's last second Freeze! It was a really awesome fight.

Right now as I'm posting this, my static is doing 5-3, Tenzen Path, waiting on a member to get their final Cutscenes. We lost a member of our static, but gained another from our HNM Shell. They are aiming for Sea before the week is over, so we'll see what happens.

Friday, June 22, 2007


Today we had the occasional BLM KSNM Runs for people. We had the usual options of 300k for all drops, 50/50, and item-bust. Most people chose the 300k and the 50/50 as usual. We did end up getting pretty good drops, but not as much people showed up as normally.

We ended up getting like 3-4 Damascus Ingots, 1-2 Damascene cloths, 1-2 V Claw's, and a bunch of Orchalium Ingots. And on top of that, the people who payed with the gil. So the group income wasn't TOO bad, but we did have to split it four ways. I haven't gotten the gil yet, the items haven't sold, but I will let you know in the next update what exactly I got.

I did do my own orb KSNM30 run. Of course I got shit drops, check em out. Made about 25k, lol.

This overall was probably the best drop, two Damascus ingots out of one orb, and the guy did like 6 orb runs at once, so he made pretty good gil.

Also, I've been leveling my NIN up. I have to have it for my THF, which I am solely going to use for farming purposes. I found a nice way to make money with my goldsmithing, but it is a pain in the ASS with a BLM. Having to rest over and over is a pain in the butt. I got my NIN to 26 though. My THF is already level 42, so it won't be a pain in the butt to level, plus I like playing THF, it is a pretty fun job.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ifrit Prime

Today I ended up doing my Ifrit prime fight. I now have all of the avatars except for Fenrir. I am planning on getting all the whispers and him done within the next few weeks. So expect that update. The fight was, way way, way to easy. Anyways, thats all that has really been going on in the FFXI life.

MG & Seiryu

Today the linkshell did a Seiryu and a sky farming run. We ended up killing Motherglobe also. Wyrmal Abjuration hands did drop, and caused quite some controversey between linkshell members, but it all turned out good.


So I got really REALLY REALLY bored today, and guess what? MEEK GOT A BUFFER OF 26,000. Yep, I'vve never had one above 10,000. I'm pretty proud of myself.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Sky Demis

Today we had sky farming. For 7 hours might I add. But it didn't seem too bad. Heres the list of shit we did...

  1. We got a water
  2. Olla kill
  3. Mother Globe kill
  4. Steam Cleaner kill
  5. Zippy kill
  6. and last but not least.. Faust kill
It wasn't bad, but I did die about 5 times and got down to a buffer of 2,000. I almost lost level 75... which would suck. But here are some nice little screenshots I took during the fights.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Diabolos Prime

Tonight I got really bored and decided to do Diabolos Prime. It was a really rocky fight and took us 3 tries to do it, but we ended up making it in the end.

First try we blew it and the Blackmage fell down the hole, and Infamoushero didn't get to use his 2hr and we lost at 4% because of Nightmare.

Second run we go in, without any 2hours and get it down to 20% and we die because of Nightmare again. So the second time, we decide to go in, rape him with 2 hours and see where we get to. We run in, and me and another Black Mage both cast Burst II. It immediatly takes him down to 75%. The Paladin then voked, grabbed hate and used Invincible. The RDM/DRK then used his Chainspell and Stun for the duration of his 2hour, while me and the other BLM both used Manafont and nuked his ass. During this time, Infamoushero also solo skillchained Light, which raped him overall too. The fight only last about 1 minute or so lol. It was fun though. I ended up choosing the ability to summon him, because none of the other choices suited me. Here are some screenshots.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

EXP Party

So in sky the other day, I ended up dying about 5-6 times, lol. I ate a Raise 1 each and every one of those times, So I lost quit a bit of my buff. Considering I only keep my buff at about 10-15k anyways, I was about to de-level. So, I got an invite yesterday and decided to go and Manaburn!
Here are some shots of it. Nothing too special.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

sky today

So today we had sky with the ole SerenityLS. I log in and WOW... we have about 20+ new members... I don't know what happened.. but who cares.

So here is the lineup.. Kirin, Suzaku, and then Seiryu.First up, Kirin! We had an awesome turnout for this nigga today. We had about 40 people in the area from our linkshell, and we took him down without any problems really. Of course, Hero bid 52 points on the damn Osode, and ended up not getting the drop. He is now 0/5 =( lol. Oh well, here are some screenshots of the beast today.

Thats right... I stunned Kirin. Lol. Oh well, I got some pretty nice screenshots of him and me casting Tornado on him =D. The drops ended up being Wyrmal Legs and Neptunal Body. No Osode, poo...

Next up was Suzaku! This Fire Bird motherfucka was annoying. We had a rough time with him kinda, but we pulled through in the end.

Shit drops. Oh well.

Next and last up was Seiryu. I hate this damn thing. Oh well, here's some nice screenshots from his run today.

Well thats it on the update. I did bid on Zenith Pants and won bid on both Suzaku and Seiryu, but of course like always, neither of them dropped it. Oh well, I'll keep waiting. Thats it for now, goodbye all.
Oh, here's a quick funnie...

I don't know why it's red looking, but, its still funny.