Thursday, July 19, 2007

Einherjar Virgin

So I tried Einherjar for the first time today, with the shell. I believe it may be my first and last one forever lol.

We entered and saw a ton of Jnun and Dark Elementals. I assumed it wouldn't be hard, but these elementyals kicked our ass. It was fuckin ridiculous. I hate it lol, not to mention the rewards from Einherjar aren't even good... So it may be my last forever.

Limbus with New Shell.

I'm already starting to like this shell. Tonight we did a Limbus together. I had never done a limbus before, but its a pretty cool thing. I'm not exactly sure which one we did, but we ended in beating it and ended up getting some pretty good AF+1 peices. Got WAR BLM SAM WHM and something else I believe.

We also split all of the Ancient Beastcoins up among us evenly. Out of 12 people we ended up getting 5 each, which is a pretty good turn out. I also got the BLM AF+1 item Diabolic Yarn. Along with the 5 coins, I should have hat anytime soon.

Server Change!

The other day I switched over to Cerberus and joined a top HNM shell. We are pretty badass. Called AfterMath.


I completed all the WHM AF I am ever going to need in the game today. Got all of the things by myself, which I am proud of.

I solo'd the feet quest, solo'd the entire Hands Coffer and Darkspark fight, and the coffer for the pantaloons. Right now as I speak my WHM is currently at 56, and I plan on taking it further and further all the way to 75 within the next month or so =)

Oh and I only got this AF items, because I plan on using Vermillion Cloak until Noble's tunic. :)

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Taru Meeting

I had a taru only meeting the other day in Lower Jueno with some old friends. Here is what ended up happening...

WHM Leveling

I haven't updated this thing in a little while. I recently had my 17th birthday, then the next day was the fourth of July. Me and some friends went out to Pigeon Forge, we had a pretty fun time.

But here lately, I've been leveling WHM. As I write this I am in a party. Right now I got the WHM up to 42, been working on leveling and whatnot, about to hit 43.

BTW, this morning I solo'd my WHM AF1 weapon. The weapon is crap, but the fight with the Marchelute was pretty fun.

Sunday, July 1, 2007


Today we did ZM16 as half of the linkshell. The other two guys we picked up off shouting in Whitegate. We had a few first rough runs, mainly from the AoE killing us mages, but after that we ended up kicking the shit out of him and basically making the fight look so easy it was ridiculous.

We basically ran in. Sleep the orbitals, let the NIN and MNK solo the Armor around Eald'narch. After that, we all ran up and killed the first form of the kid.

BY THE WAY, I WAS CONTROLLING TWO CHARACTERS AT THE SAME TIME DURING THIS! I was controlling mine and Infamoushero's character during the fight. This is the hardest shit EVER.

When the second form of the kid poped up, I did my 2hr on Meekriot and nuked him, while the other BLM did the same thing, and I did 2hr on Infamoushero. The second form on Eald'narch died in basically 25-30 seconds. It was a fun fight.

Now I am ready for Bahamut v1 and then on to Apocalypse Nigh.