Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mugwort DAMN!

I've been harvesting for the past few days in Bhafulau Thickets or whatever trying to get some Fresh Mugwort for Sweet rice cakes. This synth will take me to 99. I harvested up about 3 and a half stacks and died about 10 times lol. I barely have a buffer on my BLM, so it's party time! I ended up finding someone who was harvesting also and cut them a deal on Fresh Mugwort. I bought 10 stacks from them for 300k. This isn't bad at all! These are up to 50k on the auction house per stack. So I'm pretty happy about it.

I decided to give it a shot and try to get Cooking to 99. I went out to Norg to synth and I ended up giving up at 96 because of the Moon Phase. I am going to save my materials for a better moon phase to skill-up on.
I've also continued skilling up on Mercanbaligi and Ahtapot's out in Nashmau. I just hit 66. I want to stay out here and on Qufim Island on Black sole for a while.

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