Monday, November 9, 2009

Last FFXI Post

So I quit FFXI a few months ago. I sold over 14M worth of gil to a company for $210. I still have my character on Fenrir, but the account is disabled currently. Here are some last screens of Meeky. See you in FFXIV hopefully!

Last shot of good gear before I sold it all!

Ended up with Cooking 100+2, Fishing at 98. Overall, great time on the game.. Excited about FF14, see you there!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Culinarian's Apron

I haven't been updating very much lately, but I decided to update it today. I finally got my culinarian's apron! It took 100,000 hard earned guild points. It took me a long time because collecting cooking guild points is hard because they always give me low points. Anyways, here it is!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sky: O

I finally finished up my ZM missions and got sky. Leek, Hero, Apollymi, and Lordvegeta helped me go from ZM4-sky in one day. We did the missions and fights super quick. It was easy and fun, thanks for the help guys! Now that I've got both sky and sea, time to get my gettin on!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Fishing 75

Last night I hit 75 Fishing. I've been fishing up Black Sole in Qufim ever since I hit about 60~ fishing. I was selling them on the Auction House for a smooth 14k~ for a while and then out of nowhere some idiots dropped the fucking price from 14k to 12k a stack. I refuse to sell my stacks for less than 13k. So, I've kept 21 fish stacks up on the Auction House praying that price goes up.

It has jumped up and down a few times, but for the most part it has stayed around 12.5k and 13k. So instead of Auctioning them, I have been selling them to NPC's for 8.6k a stack. I fish up around 12-15 stacks+ every single day, So I'm still making good money while skilling up. I'm going to continue fishing these up for skill until I hit 96 on them, then move on to fish up my 100 fish. Since I'm almost done with my Cooking Guild point's, I will move on to Fishing GP and get my Apron and Waders.

Sorry for the slow updates, I've been caught up lately with in-game things. I've been meriting my BLM, trying to lvl NIN and other things! Until next time!

Cooking 100!

So the other night I finally hit 100 Cooking. I ran into a guy selling Fresh Mugwort in bulk. I bought 10 stacks of Fresh Mugwort for about 300k from a guy and synthed up Sweet Rice Cakes from 95-99. I ended up with 1 single peice of mugwort left when I hit 99.

At 99 I had to go farm up my own Royal Jelly. I ended up farming about 10 by myself and I got help from my friend Lord Vegeta farming up the rest of the Jelly I had. I ended up getting 27 peices of Royal Jelly. After all of my synths I was left with 4 extra!

So long journey from 0-100. Took me a while, and I'm still collecting guild points for my Chef
Apron. I am about 55,000 / 100,000 atm. As soon as I get my apron I'm switching over to Fishing Guild to get my Apron and Waders there!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Harvest harvest harvest!

Harvested my mules today, got 12 Stacks of Platinum nuggets. Awesome! They sell for 30k a stack. 12*30 = 360k give or take a few. PROFIT PROFIT PROFIT!

Mugwort DAMN!

I've been harvesting for the past few days in Bhafulau Thickets or whatever trying to get some Fresh Mugwort for Sweet rice cakes. This synth will take me to 99. I harvested up about 3 and a half stacks and died about 10 times lol. I barely have a buffer on my BLM, so it's party time! I ended up finding someone who was harvesting also and cut them a deal on Fresh Mugwort. I bought 10 stacks from them for 300k. This isn't bad at all! These are up to 50k on the auction house per stack. So I'm pretty happy about it.

I decided to give it a shot and try to get Cooking to 99. I went out to Norg to synth and I ended up giving up at 96 because of the Moon Phase. I am going to save my materials for a better moon phase to skill-up on.
I've also continued skilling up on Mercanbaligi and Ahtapot's out in Nashmau. I just hit 66. I want to stay out here and on Qufim Island on Black sole for a while.