Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cooking 100!

So the other night I finally hit 100 Cooking. I ran into a guy selling Fresh Mugwort in bulk. I bought 10 stacks of Fresh Mugwort for about 300k from a guy and synthed up Sweet Rice Cakes from 95-99. I ended up with 1 single peice of mugwort left when I hit 99.

At 99 I had to go farm up my own Royal Jelly. I ended up farming about 10 by myself and I got help from my friend Lord Vegeta farming up the rest of the Jelly I had. I ended up getting 27 peices of Royal Jelly. After all of my synths I was left with 4 extra!

So long journey from 0-100. Took me a while, and I'm still collecting guild points for my Chef
Apron. I am about 55,000 / 100,000 atm. As soon as I get my apron I'm switching over to Fishing Guild to get my Apron and Waders there!

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