Monday, November 9, 2009

Last FFXI Post

So I quit FFXI a few months ago. I sold over 14M worth of gil to a company for $210. I still have my character on Fenrir, but the account is disabled currently. Here are some last screens of Meeky. See you in FFXIV hopefully!

Last shot of good gear before I sold it all!

Ended up with Cooking 100+2, Fishing at 98. Overall, great time on the game.. Excited about FF14, see you there!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Culinarian's Apron

I haven't been updating very much lately, but I decided to update it today. I finally got my culinarian's apron! It took 100,000 hard earned guild points. It took me a long time because collecting cooking guild points is hard because they always give me low points. Anyways, here it is!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sky: O

I finally finished up my ZM missions and got sky. Leek, Hero, Apollymi, and Lordvegeta helped me go from ZM4-sky in one day. We did the missions and fights super quick. It was easy and fun, thanks for the help guys! Now that I've got both sky and sea, time to get my gettin on!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Fishing 75

Last night I hit 75 Fishing. I've been fishing up Black Sole in Qufim ever since I hit about 60~ fishing. I was selling them on the Auction House for a smooth 14k~ for a while and then out of nowhere some idiots dropped the fucking price from 14k to 12k a stack. I refuse to sell my stacks for less than 13k. So, I've kept 21 fish stacks up on the Auction House praying that price goes up.

It has jumped up and down a few times, but for the most part it has stayed around 12.5k and 13k. So instead of Auctioning them, I have been selling them to NPC's for 8.6k a stack. I fish up around 12-15 stacks+ every single day, So I'm still making good money while skilling up. I'm going to continue fishing these up for skill until I hit 96 on them, then move on to fish up my 100 fish. Since I'm almost done with my Cooking Guild point's, I will move on to Fishing GP and get my Apron and Waders.

Sorry for the slow updates, I've been caught up lately with in-game things. I've been meriting my BLM, trying to lvl NIN and other things! Until next time!

Cooking 100!

So the other night I finally hit 100 Cooking. I ran into a guy selling Fresh Mugwort in bulk. I bought 10 stacks of Fresh Mugwort for about 300k from a guy and synthed up Sweet Rice Cakes from 95-99. I ended up with 1 single peice of mugwort left when I hit 99.

At 99 I had to go farm up my own Royal Jelly. I ended up farming about 10 by myself and I got help from my friend Lord Vegeta farming up the rest of the Jelly I had. I ended up getting 27 peices of Royal Jelly. After all of my synths I was left with 4 extra!

So long journey from 0-100. Took me a while, and I'm still collecting guild points for my Chef
Apron. I am about 55,000 / 100,000 atm. As soon as I get my apron I'm switching over to Fishing Guild to get my Apron and Waders there!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Harvest harvest harvest!

Harvested my mules today, got 12 Stacks of Platinum nuggets. Awesome! They sell for 30k a stack. 12*30 = 360k give or take a few. PROFIT PROFIT PROFIT!

Mugwort DAMN!

I've been harvesting for the past few days in Bhafulau Thickets or whatever trying to get some Fresh Mugwort for Sweet rice cakes. This synth will take me to 99. I harvested up about 3 and a half stacks and died about 10 times lol. I barely have a buffer on my BLM, so it's party time! I ended up finding someone who was harvesting also and cut them a deal on Fresh Mugwort. I bought 10 stacks from them for 300k. This isn't bad at all! These are up to 50k on the auction house per stack. So I'm pretty happy about it.

I decided to give it a shot and try to get Cooking to 99. I went out to Norg to synth and I ended up giving up at 96 because of the Moon Phase. I am going to save my materials for a better moon phase to skill-up on.
I've also continued skilling up on Mercanbaligi and Ahtapot's out in Nashmau. I just hit 66. I want to stay out here and on Qufim Island on Black sole for a while.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Power up, Get big, Power up, Get BIG Let your LEVEL BUILD

A bunch of things have been going on lately in the life of Meeky. I've been focusing on mostly fishing and crafting. The other day I fished up about 12 stacks of Black Sole. I was going to sell them all on the AH, but Leek talked me into crafting all of them into Sole Sushi. So First thing is first, I had to go get my Raw Fish Handling from the Cooking Guild. I had saved up 30k points for this. So I bought the fish handling and synthed up 2 stacks of Sushi. Leek provided me with the Ground Wasabi and Tarutaru Rice, so I gave him 1 stack of Sushi to compensate for his half. We both sold our stacks for 24k. Not bad!

Cooking lately has been amazing. The remaining Black Sole that I had, I kept for a lvl 93 Cooking recipe. I synthed Flounder Meurine. It was a very cheap synth, as long as you had the Black Sole. I synthed this untila bout 91, then I decided to do the Rice Ball's that cap at 95. I got all of my materials together and sat in Lower Jeuno Tenshodo HQ and synthed my little heart out. I went all the way from 91-95 with 9 Stacks of ingredients. With the moon phase being kind of crappy, this wasn't bad. Getting my woodworking to 15 was definitely worth this trouble, as this synth was super easy. Now, I am having trouble collecting Fresh Mugwort from the AH. It is for a Rice Cake synth from 95-99. It is a very rare ingredient from Harvesting and as soon as it hits the AH, people buy it. So tonight, I am going to start my farming for Royal Jelly, for the synth to 100!
As for fishing, I have been fishing along for skill-ups still. I just hit 61 Fishing and very soon to hit 62. I was fishing up Trumpet Shells for skill, but they don't bite often. I caught 7 stacks of shells (which sell at 25k a stack) and said fuck it. I decided to go back out to Qufim and fish up Black Sole. I got my skill to 60 out there. I decided to move on out to Nashmau to fish up Ahtapot and Mercanbaligi. These things have been giving me skill-ups like crazy! I've almost got2 levels since I've been out here just for the past hour. It is ridiculous. Also, these fish sell to the NPC for a lot of money. At the end of my fatigue I should be able to NPC all of these fish for around 150k. Not bad!
I have been trying to catch my Blue Mage up also . Yesterday I was off work, so I fished most of the day and caught my Blue Mage Spells up. I was behind about 16 spells, I ended up getting 10 of these spells and I am going to get the last few here very soon. Also, I have been doing Dynamis with a LS that a guy from my Limbus shell runs. Last night we did Dynamis-Sandy, and last week we did Dynamis-Bastok. I got my wins for both of these cities. Now I just need Dynamis-Windy and then Jeuno. Next week we are doing Windy and then soon we are doing Jeuno, so I should havea all of them done soon!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Zaldon and 55 Fishing! Oh yeah!

I know, this blog has basically turned into my fishing blog. But here recently a lot of things have been going on in my fishing adventures. I'm having a ton of fun fishing, a lot more fun than I would normally playing doing EXP, Missions, etc. But, recently I have been skilling up on Bhefhel Marlin and Silver Shark. I saved a ton of extra Bluetail that I had fished up for skills to synth into Piece of Bluetail. This bait gets Marlin and Sharks to bite often and I'm getting good skill-ups from them. So I've been riding the ferry. I also heard of a NPC named Zaldon who you can trade Marlin to for a chance at Pirate Chart or Brigand Chart for a chance at Albatross and Penguin Rings. These rings come in handy for the items needed for Ebisu Rod.

I've been trading all of my Marlin to Zaldon and I finally got a Pirate Chart and Brigand Chart. The "drop rate" on these charts are around 3%. So I got lucky, I got my Pirate Chart on about 1/10 of my Marlin and my Brigand chart on about 1/32 Marlin. I saved my Pirate chart, but I found a guy on the ferry who knew a lot about fighting for the other one. I got my drop and tried to go and do the Brigand Quest. I got there and fished up the first 4 chests and didn't get drop. During my 5th chest the quest ended before I could get the fish all the way down to 0%. It was a good run, but I could have done better. It was my first try, but at least I got my feet wet.

Since I've been skilling up on Silver Shark I've also been trading them in to Zaldon for a chance at a Trident. This is a lvl 45~ Polearm that sells for 30k. I ended up getting 4 of them from about 3 stacks of Silver Shark. I put all of these on my mule and ended up gettign 120k, not bad!

I also got Fishing up to 55. I am trying to get it up to 60 very soon. Speaking of which, today's Guild Point item for the Cooking guild was an item that required Black Sole. So, I decided to give it a shot and go fish up my own Black Sole. I only needed 4 of them, so why the hell not.. I went out to Qufim Island and casted. I ended up getting my 4 Black Sole, without ANY problems at all, with only 55 Fishing. I even got a 0.2 Skillup from them. I believe I will be using my Guild Points immediately as soon as I hit lvl 60 fishing to start Cooking my own Sushi.

I've been making very good money from fishing lately. I am definitely planning on taking it to lvl 100 and getting Ebisu Rod. I will get my Ebisu Rod, mark my words, and I will get all of the guild point items from Fishing Guild. I am very excited about Fishing now, it is so fun.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Lu Shang Fishing Rod & Fishing 50!

The other day I finally hit level 50 fishing. It's been a long hard journey, but it's something I need to get done for Cooking, but it's also very much fun! I absolutely love the idea or getting a breather from Missions, Quests, or EXP and going out and fishing. It's so awesome. Currently, I am sitting at 53 fishing. I am going to take Fishing to 55 from here on out on Bhefhel Marlin's on the fishing ferry from Mhaura to Selbina.

Check out this SS. Since I've been using Pelican Ring, it increases skill-up rates. I finally got my first little double-skill-up that some people get. Mine is only a 0.1 then a 0.1, but I've seen people get 0.2 and 0.2. I am hoping to get one of those and get a SS of it. It would be nice ^^

Also, I got my Lu Shang Rod finally. Long Story short, I met this really super nice JP guy on a fishing trip one night. I asked him for a Bhefhel Marlin for the fishing competition so I could place and get a Pelican Ring. The guy sent me a fish over a few days later that won me a ring in the competition. I talked to him afterwards and thanked him and told him I got a ring. He was very happy and so was I. We kept talking (He understands small bits and peices of English, but the auto-translate function comes in handy) and I asked him if he was going for the Ebisu rod. He told me he actually was almost finished with it and he was planning on getting it this week. I told him that was awesome and he asked if I wanted his Lu Shang rod. I was like yeah of course, How much? He sent me a message back that said "No money, 100,000g 7 {day}." So I figured out this guy is willing to give me his Rod for 100k a week, until I get it paid for. I was so relieved and happy, I continued to tell him Thank you. Well a few days go by and I didn't talk to him, didn't see him online (becuase of the time zone differences). Then to my surprise, I logged on last night and I had a Lu Shang Rod sitting in my delivery box! I was so freaking happy! I sent him messages over PlayOnline and thanked him numerous times and told him what a kind and trusting person he is. So needless to say, I finally got my fishing rod!

EDIT: As far a Cooking goes, I am currently leveling it up. I got it to 89.5 and took a short break to level up Woodworking. There is a really cheap level 95 Synth that requires a sub-craft of level 15 Woodworking. So I took a break from Cooking for a little bit and got Woodworking up to 15. I should be returning to finish Cooking very soon! I'm almost there! I'm also collecting guild points for the Apron and Raw-Fishing Handling for Sushi. Currently I'm at 42,000 Guild points. I'm halfway there for the Apron and I could buy the Raw Fish Handing now if I wanted, but I'm going to save my points until my Fishing is high enough to reel in the Black Sole.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fish Ranking - 40 Fishing

I entered the first Fish Ranking competition and I ended up getting my very first Pelican Ring! I am very excited about this thing, It definitely is worth the time. The item that I had to fish up was a Bhelful Marlin. The fish caps at 60~ish so I would have a hard time pulling it up, so I found a random guy on the fishing boat. I couldn't understand him very well, but I got him to understand I needed the Smallest size Bluetail that he could catch for the fishing contest. He told me that he woulf give it to me as a {present} So I agreed =) After about 4 days I checked my Delivery Box and there it was, a size 64 Marlin. This was nice, so I turned it in to the fishing guild to push my luck!

After the contest was over, I ended up getting the Pelican ring and placing #11 out of the Top 20. What really freaked me out was the fact that these Marlin's are supposed to range in length from 61+.. The guy who won the contest caught a size 60 Marlin.. HOW RARE IS THAT! Crazy.. Anyways, here is the goods! Oh, and I just hit 40 fishing ^^

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pelican Ring

I did my very first Fish Ranking contest tonight. I ended up finding this JP guy on the fishing ferry who was fishing up Bheful Marlins to give me one on his for the contest. The contest was based on the smallest size Bheful Marlin, and you have 2 weeks to turn it in. Prizes differ depending on the number of contestants turning in different fish. I ended up getting a size 64 Marlin, which isn't bad. All of the websites say that a size 61 is the smallest, so I figured I could at least place Top 20. I did.

Cooking fishing leveling everything, Oh My!

I got back from my trip to Houston yesterday, It was really fun. Right when I got back I started leveling my Blue Mage. Me and Lordvegeta started a party out in East Ronfaure [S] at level 37 and leveled for a few hours. I went from 44-48 and Lord went from 65-66 even. We got a lot of exp.

When I got done leveling, I decided why the hell not try to finish out Rank 5 so I can get Rank 6. So I got invited to some random group to do 5-1, so I went. Keep in mind, this fight is easy as hell, I was just with idiots. We go in the fight, and the SMN aggro's all of the mobs right from the beginning. Me and a SAM are the only DD trying to do damage to the main guy. All of the other mages are getting smacked around by the add-ons. We get the main guy down to about 25% and the whole pt wiped. The SMN left the party, so did the SAM. So, I asked some help from some friends. Laiya and Lordvegeta come out and we find a random BLU to help us out. We go in there and smoke it like it was nothing. It was a simple fight. I went on my 48BLU (since it was a 50cap fight) and I was doing really great damage with Bludgeon+Jet Stream. Next, we did 5-2 and destroyed Shadow Lord so I got Rank 6. Yay!

Today I ran around and got all my CS's up until ZM4 and even did my Dynamis CS's so I can enter dynamis. I am still astonished that I got Sea and finished CoP before I even got Rank6 in my nation... Awesomeness.

As for cooking and fishing, I have been focusing most of my time on these things. I have been fishing to fatigue every day now and been crafting when I get the time. I got my cooking to 82 earlier from a recipe I got from Dark Bass that I was skilling up on from 27-31. I caught just enough bass to get me close to the cap of Bass Menuire @ 83. As for fishing goes, I have been fishing to fatigue. Yesterday I started fishing up Blue Tail's and Cone Calamary for skill-ups. The Blue Tail's sell at a hefty 6k a stack, so I make good money from them. As for the Cone Calamary, they don't sell as often and they are down to 3k a stack at the moment. I was disappointed in this, but what can you do! Leek mentioned something about synthing the Calamary into Black Ink.. What a fucking good idea. I bought some Dark Crystals, some cheap tea leaves from Windy, and some Distilled Water. I crafted these Calamary I caught last night and capped the recipe out at level 4 Alchemy. I made 9 Stacks of Black Ink and it is currently selling for 6k a stack. So last night, I caught 8 stacks of Bluetail and enough stacks of Calamary to make 9 stacks of Black Ink. So overally, fishing last night I got 108k gil. On top of that, I went from 30 Fishing to 35 fishing in one night! It was amazing. I am currently saving up for Lu Shang's still and trying to skill these up as fast as possible! Until next time..

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fishing 30

Today I hit Fishing 30. I've been out here in La thiene Plateau, It's so pretty! I've been trying to skill it up as fast as possible to get my skill high enough to catch Black Soles. I finally hit high enough cooking to synth them, I just need to get my fishing skill up there, and get my Raw Fish Handling from the Cooking Guild. I should have the Fish Handling very soon. Here lately, I've been skilling up off of Giant Catfish and Dark Bass. I've been throwing out almost all of my catfish, but I did save the largest size Catfish (119 lm) and Smallest size Catfish (43 lm) that I caught. I'm saving them because the Selbina Contest sometimes has Giant Catfish as their item, so I will save myself a bunch of time trying to catch these Catfish.

These Dark Bass I've been catching cap at 33, and the catfish cap at 31. I'm specifically skilling up on Dark Bass right now because of a level 83 Cooking synth these things cap at. They are a very easy synth with cheap ingredients. Since the Dark Bass I've been catching are basically free and the synth is very cheap, I'm gonna kill two bird with one stone. (skilling up fishing and a cooking synth! whaaa) Currently, I've got about 6 stacks on me.. which should easily take me from 80->83 Cooking.

Tonight I am flying out to Houston to visit my sister. I won't be online for about a week, so my fishing will die down :( but it's ok! I am very excited about going to visit family. I won't be on to update this for about a week, but stay tuned! Until next.. week!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

80 Cooking

Yesterday I power-leveld Cooking from 70-80. Now I going to take a break from cooking and finish up leveling Fishing. Yesterday I started out cooking Pear Au Lait's from 70-72. This was a terrible idea, it was a total waste of money because of the Honey, and a complete waste of time. It got me to 72 pretty slow. At 72, I looked at a guide and saw that Rarab Meatballs were decent skill-ups, easy ingredients to come by, but their was 8 ingredients. So I did those from 72 - 75. All of the ingredients for these were super easy to come by, all of the items were being sold in Sandy, so I jus stayed there for the levels. As soon as I hit 75 I decided to go out to Kazham and level up off Chocomilk. These were easy, awesome skillups. They kind of cost a little bit because of the Honey, but I got to 77 cap on these in about 30 minutes. As soon as I hit 77, I skilled up on Pamama Au Lait's. These can take you all the way to 81, but they don't stack, so I couldn't take it anymore and stopped at 79. When I hit 79, I found a small recipe that you could buy all of the ingredients in Upper Jeuno and I skilled up on it until 80. Chammomile Tea. It was a good receipe and I got to 80 quick! Now that I am sitting at 80, I am going to level up fishing and continue collecting guild points for the cooking guild.

Here is me and Leek. We have been power leveling cooking together for a while now, and we got bored and decided to craft inside his mog house lol. So here we are crafting some things. I am HQ'ing Beehive chips into Honey for my Choco Milk, and I think he is skilling up off Sandy Tea haha.

As far as fishing goes, I am currently at level 23. I am fishing as I write this, and I'm going to fish all day. I need to catch up and get high enough level to fish up Black Sole for Sole Sushi. As for now, I am stuck on this stupid fuckin ferry with a million people fishing for Neb's, again. Whats bad, this time around, Neb's are down to 10k a stack, which is almsot not worth fishing for, but I can skill up on them. It's whatever. As soon as I hit 27 I will be fishing up Catfish in La Thiene Plateu and then on to fishing off the ledge in Qufim Island!

Oh, and I got my security token in the mail finally yesterday! Now I have a satchel on me all times, giving me 55 extra spaces on Meeky, and 30 extra spaces on all my mules. It was definitely worth the $10. Until next time!

Monday, July 6, 2009

70 Cooking

Tonight I got off work early due to the rain and power-leveled my cooking to 70! It took a while but I eventually got it. First of all, I started out finishing 60.8 -> 61.0. Then I found a guide saying that I could break perfectly even cooking Pumpkin Soup to 65. So I tried this. I bought all of the materials in Sandy, including Crystals. After I ended up at 65, I had earned a total of 5k Profit. Not bad for skilling up also! Then I next started cooking Colored Eggs until 68. This was very short. I also bought all of the materials in Sandy. I may have lost between 5-7k. This isn't a bad loss either. After I hit 68, I decided to do Sand O'rian Tea. This was a easy synth and I ended up losing money, but it wasn't a whole lot. With the tea, I did about 5 stacks and and got to 69.9. I started on my Pear-au-lait's to 72. I am going to power-level to 80 and keep getting up my guild points. When I hit 80, I'm going to finish working on fishing so I can skill-up and make profit on Sole Sushi! I started turning in items today, I'm going to keep on collecting until I have enough for Raw Fish Handeling and my Apron.

As for fishing, it is still currently (and sadly) @ 22.6. I am working on leveling it soon. As soon as I hit 80 Cooking, I will be full time fishing and trying to get it leveled. Also, as soon as I get all of my guild points up for Cooking, I will be collecting for Fishing!

Last night I bought a Peacock Charm for my BLU. This will definitely be my next 75. Today I got my BLU up to level 40. I got it up to 39 and soloed it to 40 with no luck finding a party for a while.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


We beat CoP. We did the easy 8-3 Magic Pot fight super quick and then did the next 8-4 Promathia fight. The Promathia fight was really really fun, probably one of my favorite fights. It was challenging with out setup, we had no real healer. We were PLD BLM BLM SAM WAR RNG. Me and Leek were focusing on Healing. We got his second form down to 35% and decided we needed a real healer. Our WAR had another 75 WHM account he could help us on. He logged onto his WHM and we beat the fight first try. It was awesome.

(BTW, I had to steal this SS from Leek, it was freaking awesome, Nice pic Leek! lol)

Afterwards, I ended up choosing a Raja's ring, because I plan on leveling up BLU and some other melee job next! Now on to work on leveling up my BLU, Cooking, and Fishing!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Welcome to {sea} guys!

So since I last updated CoP, which was only a day or so ago, we got {sea}! Yay! Congratulations to my group! Leek, Infamoushero, Graywolfe, Lordvegeta, and myself. Great job and teamwork guys.
We did 5-3 all the way up to 8-3 in 24 hours. Great Job guys! As soon as we finished 5-3 we did the airship fight. We followed a strategy I had posted from my old blog on how to do it. We went in and owned the mammets no problem. Went in to kill Omega. We had a little bit of difficulty with this one, but we did a planned wipe around 45%. After we raised up and such we had about 23 minutes left to kill him. We killed him real quick and only used 1 CCB Polymer Pump.

After we killed him, we moved on to Ultima, which is almost the exact same as Omega exact a little longer fight. We ended up getting him down to about 50% and accidentily wiping. This second wipe was totally unplanned! We all re-raised up and healed up. We only had 3 minutes left to kill him before the fight was over. All of the SAM's ran in, 2hr'd, while me and Leek 2hr'd on our BLM's and casted AM spells. We got him down to 1% with the 2hr's and SAM's 2hrs. I threw up one more FireII nuke and killed him. We only won the fight with 12 seconds to spare. The fight only gives your 45 minutes to complete it, we beat it in 44 minutes and 48 seconds. Good job guys!

We then did Tenzen, basically raped him. It was as easy as the Snoll fight, except Hero got 1 shotted, lol. Other than that we are on 8-3 CoP now and are finishing up with 8-4 very soon and should have our rings!

Leveling BLU!

I've been leveling BLU a lot lately. I got it to 36 yesterday! woo. Now I have to go learn some new spells and stuff. I want to pimp this BLU out, so I am probably going to put a lot of time into it. This will probably replace my BLM as my main job, I'm so excited! =)