Tuesday, June 26, 2007

CoP 6-4 Airshiip Fight!

The dreaded Airship fight! Here it is, the hated 6-4 mission. I personally thought it was an awesomely fun, but annoying mission.

The first leg of the mission you fight Mammets. These things are bitches and there are 5 of them. They have the ability to change jobs, and when they change to BLM, which happens pretty often, they do multiple AoE attacks which will wipe your party. So we ended up doing a couple dry runs, get some yellow liquid drops to keep them from changing jobs, then we did the real thing.

The strategy we came up with was pretty simple. We had BLM RDM NIN NIN PLD BLU. The NIN ran up and aggro'd them all. The PLD voked one, the NIN voked one, and the BLU voked one. The kiting NIN did his job and kept Utsusemi up while the NIN PLD and BLU solo'd their own Mammet. I ran around Silencing the mobs, which really helps, while the RDM main healed and kept a look out for peoples MP. After that I helped people nuke their Mammet down so the Kiting NIN could solo his own Mammet. We got down to one mammet and ended up beating this stage and buffing at the beginning in less than 10 minutes.

This fight was pretty straight forward. Just a little strategy required of party member placement, but otherwise its pretty straight forward. We ended up using 2 or our CCB Polymer Pumps on this guy, which helped alot. The pumps are definetly worth the 35k that they cost.

The last and final big boss. He is a pretty straight forward guy too, he just has a lot of HP. We got him down to 15% using all 3 of our remaining CCB Polymer Pumps, and I did Elemental Seal + Flare on him getting him down to 1%, lol. I ended up getting hate of course, and almost died lol, but Gance kept me alive and then he got hate, so I healed him, and back and forth till the DD wacked away at him lol. It kinda pissed me off, but we still won in the long run.

All in all, the Airship fight was really fun, I definetly wouldn't mind helping other people out with it from now on. It was the only fun thing I've done on CoP so far lol. We did end up setting the record for this fight too, which was pretty cool. We took down the last two mobs in an average of 14 minutes.

During one of the first dry runs, we got all the way to Omega and wiped at 3%. Which really pissed me off. Then out of nowhere Faygo remembers something. He says "Meek RR" so I did my Re-raise and poped up. He wanted me to flare it and kill it. So I did Manafont + Elemental Seal + Flare. This was the ending result.

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