Sunday, June 10, 2007

sky today

So today we had sky with the ole SerenityLS. I log in and WOW... we have about 20+ new members... I don't know what happened.. but who cares.

So here is the lineup.. Kirin, Suzaku, and then Seiryu.First up, Kirin! We had an awesome turnout for this nigga today. We had about 40 people in the area from our linkshell, and we took him down without any problems really. Of course, Hero bid 52 points on the damn Osode, and ended up not getting the drop. He is now 0/5 =( lol. Oh well, here are some screenshots of the beast today.

Thats right... I stunned Kirin. Lol. Oh well, I got some pretty nice screenshots of him and me casting Tornado on him =D. The drops ended up being Wyrmal Legs and Neptunal Body. No Osode, poo...

Next up was Suzaku! This Fire Bird motherfucka was annoying. We had a rough time with him kinda, but we pulled through in the end.

Shit drops. Oh well.

Next and last up was Seiryu. I hate this damn thing. Oh well, here's some nice screenshots from his run today.

Well thats it on the update. I did bid on Zenith Pants and won bid on both Suzaku and Seiryu, but of course like always, neither of them dropped it. Oh well, I'll keep waiting. Thats it for now, goodbye all.
Oh, here's a quick funnie...

I don't know why it's red looking, but, its still funny.

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