Thursday, June 28, 2007


So, since the last update of us beating Airship Fight, I got sea, and beat CoP, and got damn ring!

Finnally so happy, I am done with CoP. It was long and annoying, but the story was awesome.

So after the airship fight, we ended up doing 7-4 and 7-5 Tenzen Fight. Both of these missions were ridiculously easy. We basically took Tenzen down really quick.

After Tenzen fight Faygo kind of left us. Which was okay with everyone, he had already done way to much for us. But the whole group decided to do 8-1 and 8-2 too. So we got both of those done and ended up waiting until the next day finished up 8-3 and 8-4. CoP for me was really fun. It took me about 6 months or so to beat it, but I ended up doing it. I got stuck after my static broke up on 4-3. It left me stuck on nit for almost 4 months.

We finish from 4-3 to Finishing Cop in 4 days. It went by really quick. But it was really fun. So at the end of it all. I chose Tama's Ring =)

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