Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Swift Belts!

Today we did Swift Belt runs as a group. Me, Leek, Infamoushero, Lordvegeta, Graywolfe, and Neolite. We all ended up getting a Swift Belt at the end of the night for everyone. Congratulations to everyone! I will use this nice peice of armor for my awesome BLU =)

We ended up doing 8 Runs total. 6/8 on them. Me and Leek were the only 2 who didn't get a drop on their first pop. But in the end, we all got one. Grats guys!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Nugz nugz nugz!

Harvested my gardening mules last night. Ended up gettting 9 and a half stacks of nuggets. This is really good. I ended up with around 300k, which is about 210k+ profit. Not bad!

I ended up doing everything right. Checking them, Feeding them, Harvesting them on the right day, hoping to get better results than last time, and I did. Pretty easy profit considering you don't do anything. I'm not going to be planting any more for a while, I am leaving soon for a week to go visit Houston, so after I get back from that I shall continue! =)

Friday, June 26, 2009


Last night we finished 5-1 and 5-2 (Promyvion-Vahzl). It was time consuming having to climb to the top of the Spire, but we got it over time. We were on our way up there with a 5 man team. Then our buddy Neolite got on Vent and decided to come on his DRG to come help us.

So our setup was PLD SAM SAM DRG BLM RDM. We went in their our first run for a dry run to see how we would have to fight them. We get down to the last boss and wipe from him spamming his AoE. Thankfully we had a ton of anima's for our real run.

We get out, rested up, went in and completely smashed it. We used our 2hr's for the hell of it and dealt a ton of damage. We used our anima's sparingly. Overall, it was a good run and we learned a strategy to put down in the books! Now on to 5-3! The longest mission of CoP! Yay!! =(

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Last night we finished Sarcarium. We finished it with a 5 man team. A little funny story about a Paladin named Runic happened last night. This guy Runic is a leader of a linkshell that runs missions. He has already finished CoP so you would think he would be a good guy and reliable. But no, he is by far one of the WORST skilled players with the smallest brain I have ever seen. While we are in Sarcarium we have Level 1 hate from the Fomor's. This means we absolutely cannot get aggro from them in any way possible, they are like NPC's to us. But, on the other hand, Runic didn't mind to tell us he had hate from them. So we had to sneak him around and keep him away from the Fomor's at all times. Well, lo and behold, he aggro'd every single thing he could possbiel find. We wiped like 3 times because of this guy aggro'ing shit. Thankfully I had RR up and we could get everyone back up and get back on with the mission.

So this is what happened in the end: We are about 100 feet away from our very last NM, the Professor. Runic starts aggro'ing formors and Skeleton's left and right. He ends up dying, so we have to raise him. He Raised up, LITERALLY, with a FOMOR standing on him. Of course he got wacked 1 time and died. So we had to raise him again. While he is weakened, he is resting up almost 5 feet from the Skeleton's spawn. When he becomes unweak, the skeletons aggro and kill him again. Leek tells this guy to stop nubbin' out and stop aggro'ing stuff. This guy says, "nub? FUCK YOU" and home points. He repeatedly sends us tells saying "U SUK" and other phrases which was un-readable with his poor english. He kept bashing on us through /tell and telling us this is why he came out here with a 10-12 man team to kill this NM. Well we went in their and moped his ass up with a 5 man team. We had 3 poison potions which kept us from sleeping, which didn't last long. Our setup was BLM RDM SAM SAM SAM. None of us had /nin subjobs, either. So we basically went in their and owned this thing with a 5 man team. So fuck Runic and his poor english teenage ass. lime ftw.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Speeding right through CoP!

Lately We've been doing a ton of CoP! Right now we are on Sarcarium 4-3. We are almost finished with it, we got Sealion Crest Key and other Key, we just have to kill last NM then we start on Chapter 5.

Since last update we have done 3-5 Diabolos, and 4-2 Oyryu fight. Diabolos took us like 5 tries, but we finally got the setup down and got the kill. We had very good communication on our last run. We all ended up dying almost. I saw that if a couple SAM's 2hr'd we could probably win. So I ReRaised'd and Benedicted everyone. Of course I died about 3 seconds later, but it gave the SAM's enough HP to be able to get their 2HR's off and deal damage. Lordvegeta did his 2hr and Leek did also. Lord was tanking him with Third Eye and WS'ing as often as possible. He ended up living with 18 HP and we won the fight. It was really Epic and we barely won, but it was awesome.

On 4-2 we were all decked out and Ready. We had a SAM SAM SAM BLM BLM PLD setup. We did about 3 Dry Run's to see how it worked and what we could do with out job setup and we came up with a strategy. It went flawlessly on our very last try and only the PLD died. All of the SAM's 2hr'd and me and Leek did BLM 2hr and owned it. It was very nice.

I've also been leveling BLU and NIN. Right now my BLU is @ 21 and has all of the spells up until 21. I am very proud of my BLU. I believe I am going to take it to 75, I like the job alot. My NIN, I got it to 16 yesterday, so I should be out of the dunes and on to Qufim Island soon, where I plan on taking it to 37 with level sync. I don't want to PT in Yuhtunga Jungle, I would like to just stay in Qufim Island area. Well that's it for now! I'll try to update more often, I've been kind of slacking Lately!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

3-3 and Fishing.

A few nights ago I fished for one of the last few times for a bit. I am going to take a break and level up BLU and finish CoP. These were my results. I sold them on Fishnfood, who now have a stockpile of 1M gil on him. Pretty close to my Lu Shang Rod!

Also, I bought one of these "The Big One's" from the AH. It was 150k, but it adds +1 to your fishing skill! I was pretty excited so I took a SS of it. Lol.. it looks cool in my mog.

Also, we finished 3-3 last night and tonight we are finishing up with 3-5 Diabolos fight. I tried to take screenshots of 3-3, but my xbox was full of SS's. But, we did the Attowha Chasm mountain climb as a group, then me and Infamoushero duo'd the NM in Carpenters Landing. Which was a joke, He had it down to 20% before I could get my first nuke off. I deleted all of my SS's off my Xbox, so I should have space for more tonight. I will keep this updated! See you soon!

Edit: I also did a KSNM last night. Operation Desert Swarm. Yeah, I didn't get shit for drops. I may have mad 5k lol. But oh well! You win some you lose some huh?!

Friday, June 19, 2009

CoP 3-3

CoP: Since we've done the promy's, we have finished up until 3-3 on CoP. The other night we did 2-3, ran into a few difficulities with people, but overall it went smooth, then we did 2-5 last night. This is the mammet fight, and still to this day I believe it is the hardest battle from CoP. We ended up beating it last night with this setup. WHM/BLM, RDM/NIN, THF/NIN, SAM/NIN, DRG/NIN, and BLU/NIN. We had no tank at all, so it was a rough one, but we made it out. Neolighter helped us out and aggro kited with his Trotter boots while the RDM healed him. We fought one Mammet at a time and pulled from Neo. The mammets got hate on the group and attacked us all when there were 2 left. Some kind of hate reset thing happened, but we made it through.

Currently, I am doing my CS's for 3-3 and we will be doing up to 3-5 tonight!

Leek likes my new sexy undywear.

Leveling Jobs

Yesterday, I unlocked BLU and NIN. I decided that BLU was going to be my next 75. I've always had a passion for it, so I am going to do it this time.

I leveled up WAR from 1 - 10 and also leveled up NIN from 1 - 12. Currently I am trying to raise up Norg fame for Utsusemi. So far I have turned in 80/100 Zinc Ores. I should be able to do my quest soon. I also leveled up BLU from 1-5 so far, I have been taking it slow trying to learn spells.
While leveling up jobs from 1-10, I collect the Copper Ore's from mobs and synth them with the fire crystalsI get. Today I acciedntly got Goldsmithing to 1.6. Woo go me! lol

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Promies,! CoP Static

Big update coming up. Recently a lot of big things have been going down. MOST IMPORTANTLY, CoP.

Last night, my Promy static, (Me, Leek, Lordvegeta, Reise, Absolut, and Stewie) cleared all 3 promies without a death. We got it done within 3 and a half hours, that was with downtime. I'm very proud of these guys, they all listened and paid attention well and things went great! We finished up til 2-3 last night. We will be doing 2-3 and 2-5 soon. These fights aren't the easiest, but we have experienced players.

Next up, I have been fishing a lot and even got Hero fishing with me. We have been fishing nebs on the boat like usual. I hit level 19 fishing, almost level 20. This is going fast. Also, I sold my nuggets from my mules and started up another bath. Currently, I have 750k saved up on my mule towards my Lu Shang Rod. I'm super excited.

Also, put up a link to the side of the page for the "lime" ls page. If you are on CoP or need any missions done, sign up there and put in an Application. We do regular mission runs for members, it's fun!

In RL news, my new modem and router came in the mail today. My connection is back up and running perfect! I'm very excited about getting to come back to full time. Well that's it for now, today is my day off, and Xbox maintinence is right now. So I am fishing on my laptop for the day. But I'll see you all later!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


So day three of having to scavenge for internet service. I've used my blackberry as a modem, found an old dusty one, and everything just to get online for a little bit. What worried me the most was my plants on my mules, if you don't harvest them for so long it will kill them. It was getting to the point where they were about to die, so I was able to get internet service for long enough to harvest them today.

My results were not as big as I hoped, but I also didn't plan on not having internet to "check" them and harvest them on the correct day. I had to harvest them on Watersday, which is not the best day to harvest them, but I did pretty good for having to get them harvested on that day. I would rather have harvest today than for all of them to die and lose all of my profit.

So I logged on and harvest on Bongbong first. He was the worst of all of my harvests. He only came out with 2 stacks of Platinum nuggets, and 1 to spare. This is the worst harvest I have ever had lol. I also came out with a stack and a half of Dark crystals, and a Stack and a half almost of Rock Salt. Whoopee! not.

Next, I logged on to Datpurp. His results were a little better with 2 stacks and a few to spare.I also came across a stack of Dark crystals, and a Stack and so of Rock Salt. His results were just a little better, but definitely not what I expected. I was hoping for towards at least 3-4 stacks, but you can only hope for so much I guess! Oh well, do better next time!

Then, finally, I logged on to Dankbuds. His results were the best, with almost near 4 stacks of nuggets. I also didn't get it in the picture, but he came out with a stack of Dark Crystals also. I'm not sure if I even did anything different with this mule, but his results were significantly better. Also, came out with almost a stack of Rock Salt. Ain't shit.

So these are my absolute final results. I ended up getting 7 full stacks of nuggets with 10 to spare. This spare will be sold with my next harvest. Also came up with 3 and a half stacks of Dark Crystals. And 3 full stacks of Rock Salt. During my next gardening session, I plan on not having a thunderstorm and it wiping my whole fuckin internet out, so results should be better. Will /check them more often and keep on planting, feeding, harvesting on right day. I may start to actually do moon phases and do some tests with that!

So, lesson learned. Unplug the internet during a thunderstorm so it don't fuck up your FFXI SHIT! As for the nuggets and harvesting, I probably made around 230,000g. These results aren't terrible, I more than doubled my profit, but I was hoping for much more. I put right at 90,000 into planting these plants and came out with 230,000, which is good. Also, I noted the exact days it takes during Feeds and Harvesting, so it will be easier for me to plan these things out. I want to put up a spread sheet and keep track of my results.

As for other news, Fishing is going good. The nebimonite market is staying strong at 12k. Leek has been camping the AH buying all of the stakcs for less than 12k and he has been doing a good job. He has been selling them back for profit also, which you can't complain. He has also been expaning Lime. A lot of new members joined and we are expecting to start up a new CoP static soon with the new members. This should be exciting again! Also, recently I got the urge to start leveling a Melee job. I'm not sure where this urge comes from, but I have a few jobs in mind. BLU, WAR, RNG, and SAM. One of these jobs, or RDM, will possibly be my next 75. I'm not sure yet! Oh well, new modem should be here today and I should be back on FFXI like old days. As for now, See you all later! {Time for Work!}

Thursday, June 11, 2009


So before I get to say anything.. this is my third time trying to post this, the internet keeps fucking up.

So, long story short, we had a hellacious storm at my house. Baseball size hail, Trees down in my yard, Powerlines down and the whole nine yards. Our electricity got fucked up and it completely blew up my whole power strip. Fax Machine, Phone, Modem, and Router got fried. So, ALL day today I have been trying to get a steady connection going. I finally got it going for a little bit and decided to fish on FFXI. I caught a stack and a half of Neb's before it completely fucked up again. It was down for hours. So I decided to go buy a new router. Hook it up when I got home and so far so good. I called the DSL company and got them to overnight air me a new modem, so it should be here in the morning. But yeah, what a damn day!

Enough of RL shit.. Like I said, today I caught a stack and a half of Nebs. Whoopty fucking doo. I also got 5 clusters of Water Crystals, which isn't bad considering I was on for like 35 minutes. Me and Leek also started doing the Fishing quests for Albatross and Penguin rings. I finished the first quest with the Fat Greedie and got a Sand Charm drop from a Crossbones on the ferry. So I finished the first two, only another quest or so to go.

So that's it for the night! I am back on FFXI atm fishing up some more Neb's. I will only fish for a few hours tonight. I'm super tired and it's 1:30 in the morning already! FUCK! 10 hours of getting my internet fixed sucks ass. Oh well, goodnight all!

EDIT: Quick edit, I also fixed up some links along the side of the page. Leek's Soop, Rock's Soop, Hero's Soop, and stuff has been added. These 3 guys are in lime and put up blogs too. Read em and check em out!

Argh! Mateys

Tonight Leek and I went on another fishing trip. Overall it was a good night. I caught 10 stacks of Neb's, and 5 Water Crystal clusters. Leek got about the same amount, give or take a few. My fishing skill also jumped up from 13 to 15.3 today. That was exciting. Skill ups have been seeming to go faster and faster now that I am reaching cap of Nebimonites.

Also, we had a TON of pirate attacks today on the ferry. We had 3 in a row at one point. Then the next trip we didn't have any. Then on the next one we had Blackbeard pop! Me and Leek didn't get claim but it was pretty awesome. The duo who did get claim ended up getting drop also. What was bizarre was the VERY next ride Silverhook popped! The same duo got claim and ended up getting drop from him also. So basically, these guys got Silverhook and Blackbeard to pop within 15 minutes of each other, how rare is that.

Anyways, tomorrow is big day. Should be able to harvest platinum nuggets finally, and should fish up a whole bunch. Also, Nebimonites jumped up to 12k a stack. With the amount of Neb's me and Leek are putting on the market, they should steadily stay at 12k for a little while. Well that's it for now!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fishing Buddy

Picked up a fishing buddy. Leek. He's the leader of lime, and a good friend of mine. We have been on fishing trips on the ferry between Selbina and Mhaura. It's a lot less boring with a fishing buddy. Sea Horror has popped a few times and we killed it. Still haven't got drop from it. We have had a couple of pirate attacks also on the boat. It has given us some entertainment for sure!

Oh and I hit level 13 Fishing. These Nebimonites cap @ 27 so it is hard for me to skill up fast on them still. I have a long time until I should be able to afford my Lu Shang rod though, so I have time!

Also, my gardening mules should be able to harvest soon! Should make bank from them. Also, my fish and crystals from Fishnfood have been selling excellently!

Fishin Trip!

Today I started my hardcore fishing skill-ups and getting gil towards my Lu Shang's Fishing Rod. I went out on the ferry between Selbina and Mhaura and started fishing up Nebomonites.

These fish cap out at level 27 Fishing. I am only level 12 right now, so I can fish these for a while. Today I bought 15 stacks of Crayfish Paste and went out to fish these. While I was out on the boat I also killed Water Elementals. Right now Water Crystals are up to 4k a stack on Fenrir. These are big bank. I ended up going from level 10 fishing to level 12 fishing. Woohoo!

These were my results from the trip:

12 Stacks of Water Crystals (which is 48k After I sell.)
10 Stacks of Nebomonites (Which is 100k After I sell.)

So after the long day of fishing, I made about 150k. This was a good fishing trip for me! Bank!

New LS and Friend Transfer

My fishing buddy and friend Leek started up a new LS called "lime," it's awesome.

AND, I got my ole buddy Infamoushero from Titan to transfer to Fenrir! Yay, I am glad he's here.. now the fun begins!

Gardening Mules

On another note, I also made a Jueno mule for which I am going to sell Fish and Food off of. So I appropiately named it "Fishnfood." As some of you may know, I also used to garden on my old character. Well I made some more garden mules and am gardening harder than ever this time around. My garden mules names are "Bongbong," "Datpurp," and "Dankbuds." I named these after some specific things that are associated with plants. Lol. (I find it to be good luck to name them like this).

Meeky of Fenrir

Here I am, Meeky of Fenrir! 75BLM. Working on Cooking and Fishing right now.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Back in the Game!

So I am back in the game officially now. I restarted a few months ago and have been working on leveling my BLM. I got my BLM to 75 last night and decided on starting this blog back because it's really fun.

My old character was Meekriot. A Taru on the Titan Server. Before I quit, my character was 75BLM, WHM, and THF. I also had Goldsmithing at 96+2. You can check out these blogs to see the old progress I had made. I had to sell the character for financial issues at the time. 6 months before I quit, I stopped blogging due to the fact that I was playing the game on Xbox and was unable to take screenshots. I now have a new laptop with FFXI installed and can now take screenshots.

I have restarted and decided to take up Cooking now, along with Fishing. I will be posting my progress on this blog. Hope this is a good time around!