Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Speeding right through CoP!

Lately We've been doing a ton of CoP! Right now we are on Sarcarium 4-3. We are almost finished with it, we got Sealion Crest Key and other Key, we just have to kill last NM then we start on Chapter 5.

Since last update we have done 3-5 Diabolos, and 4-2 Oyryu fight. Diabolos took us like 5 tries, but we finally got the setup down and got the kill. We had very good communication on our last run. We all ended up dying almost. I saw that if a couple SAM's 2hr'd we could probably win. So I ReRaised'd and Benedicted everyone. Of course I died about 3 seconds later, but it gave the SAM's enough HP to be able to get their 2HR's off and deal damage. Lordvegeta did his 2hr and Leek did also. Lord was tanking him with Third Eye and WS'ing as often as possible. He ended up living with 18 HP and we won the fight. It was really Epic and we barely won, but it was awesome.

On 4-2 we were all decked out and Ready. We had a SAM SAM SAM BLM BLM PLD setup. We did about 3 Dry Run's to see how it worked and what we could do with out job setup and we came up with a strategy. It went flawlessly on our very last try and only the PLD died. All of the SAM's 2hr'd and me and Leek did BLM 2hr and owned it. It was very nice.

I've also been leveling BLU and NIN. Right now my BLU is @ 21 and has all of the spells up until 21. I am very proud of my BLU. I believe I am going to take it to 75, I like the job alot. My NIN, I got it to 16 yesterday, so I should be out of the dunes and on to Qufim Island soon, where I plan on taking it to 37 with level sync. I don't want to PT in Yuhtunga Jungle, I would like to just stay in Qufim Island area. Well that's it for now! I'll try to update more often, I've been kind of slacking Lately!

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