Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fishin Trip!

Today I started my hardcore fishing skill-ups and getting gil towards my Lu Shang's Fishing Rod. I went out on the ferry between Selbina and Mhaura and started fishing up Nebomonites.

These fish cap out at level 27 Fishing. I am only level 12 right now, so I can fish these for a while. Today I bought 15 stacks of Crayfish Paste and went out to fish these. While I was out on the boat I also killed Water Elementals. Right now Water Crystals are up to 4k a stack on Fenrir. These are big bank. I ended up going from level 10 fishing to level 12 fishing. Woohoo!

These were my results from the trip:

12 Stacks of Water Crystals (which is 48k After I sell.)
10 Stacks of Nebomonites (Which is 100k After I sell.)

So after the long day of fishing, I made about 150k. This was a good fishing trip for me! Bank!

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