Sunday, June 21, 2009

3-3 and Fishing.

A few nights ago I fished for one of the last few times for a bit. I am going to take a break and level up BLU and finish CoP. These were my results. I sold them on Fishnfood, who now have a stockpile of 1M gil on him. Pretty close to my Lu Shang Rod!

Also, I bought one of these "The Big One's" from the AH. It was 150k, but it adds +1 to your fishing skill! I was pretty excited so I took a SS of it. Lol.. it looks cool in my mog.

Also, we finished 3-3 last night and tonight we are finishing up with 3-5 Diabolos fight. I tried to take screenshots of 3-3, but my xbox was full of SS's. But, we did the Attowha Chasm mountain climb as a group, then me and Infamoushero duo'd the NM in Carpenters Landing. Which was a joke, He had it down to 20% before I could get my first nuke off. I deleted all of my SS's off my Xbox, so I should have space for more tonight. I will keep this updated! See you soon!

Edit: I also did a KSNM last night. Operation Desert Swarm. Yeah, I didn't get shit for drops. I may have mad 5k lol. But oh well! You win some you lose some huh?!

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