Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fishing Buddy

Picked up a fishing buddy. Leek. He's the leader of lime, and a good friend of mine. We have been on fishing trips on the ferry between Selbina and Mhaura. It's a lot less boring with a fishing buddy. Sea Horror has popped a few times and we killed it. Still haven't got drop from it. We have had a couple of pirate attacks also on the boat. It has given us some entertainment for sure!

Oh and I hit level 13 Fishing. These Nebimonites cap @ 27 so it is hard for me to skill up fast on them still. I have a long time until I should be able to afford my Lu Shang rod though, so I have time!

Also, my gardening mules should be able to harvest soon! Should make bank from them. Also, my fish and crystals from Fishnfood have been selling excellently!

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